Before You Cheat

Jasmine Lenore
6 min readSep 24, 2019


Have you ever wondered why people cheat? Why are people unfaithful, especially if they consider themselves loyal and trustworthy? What would cause them to get out of character? Why would they choose to betray someone knowing it will hurt them? Are all cheaters “bad?” I have been thinking about this lately.

I have a friend that I went to school with. He and I have not seen each other in years, but we do continue to keep in touch through social media. He is very sweet, kind, funny, and he is an admirable father.

Occasionally, he posts about the mother of his child who he refers to as “wife.” They seem to have a wonderful relationship. He seems to be supportive and loving towards her, and she appears to be a remarkable woman and mother. So why does he flirt with me sporadically?

Sometimes he makes flirtatious remarks. I usually ignore his comments or tell him to stop disrespecting the mother of his children. He usually says “I’m just playing with you.” One day I caught his bluff and decided to get serious. Our conversations turned to me telling him I sense he lacks something within himself.

This lack is something he cannot fill, and it is nothing no one else can fill. It is a lack he cannot explain, and he does not know how to express what he is feeling. So he turns to what he knows best — women and sex. He agreed. This gave me a new perspective. It made me think of the possibilities or reasons why some people may cheat.

Are You Tempted Because You Are In Lack?

What if you had a lack you did not understand and could not fulfill? What would you do? Most of us would turn to our spouse or partner to give us what we need if we were in a relationship. But remember, this is a lack no one can fill. This lack will likely cause you stress and frustration especially since you cannot explain it and do not know what it is.

Aha, so that’s why you’re so irritable. That’s why the two of you are arguing more. You are looking for your partner to fulfill something they cannot fulfill. And now you are mad at them but don’t understand why. The problem is really within yourself, but you do not know how to address it. But now here comes a pretty or handsome little thing giving you attention. Can they fulfill your lack? No, but will you allow them to try? Possibly.

I told my friend I could discern his lack. I cared enough to tell him he needs to search for what he needs in God. Not in me and not in other women, but let’s imagine if I did not tell him this. Let’s say I am the type of person to identify someone’s lack and take advantage of it.

I can tell him everything he wants to hear and make him feel everything he wants to feel. I can make him feel so good he would think he is in love. Maybe what we would have would last for a day. Maybe it would last for a week or maybe even a few months. But it would not last because if I had to make a sacrifice for him and his children, I would not. I would leave him high and dry. Why? Because I do not want kids, and I would only be in this relationship to get what is best for me.

And that my people are how a temporary high works. The one that would sacrifice for him is right at home, the mother of his children. We see situations like this occur all the time. You may have even been in one. People get mixed up in situations that will leave their emotions high, only to have been manipulated and taken advantage of. Now there is a possibility the one that really cared for them will leave. The children will be hurt and will possibly follow in their parent's footsteps, causing another generation of pain. All because they did not address the lack they were feeling inside.

So before you cheat, think about it. Do you consider yourself loyal and honest? If so, what is causing you to get out of character? What is really going on inside you? Is it something you do not understand? Is there something more you are in need of?

So What’s The Solution

I believe in God, and I believe there is always something we require that He can only give us or explain. He is our Creator, so I think He knows His creation pretty well. But I must speak for myself, and if you can relate, you can feel where I am coming from. I am in lack. There have been many times I felt like there was something I was in need of but didn’t know or understand what it was. When I felt this way, there had been times I went to my temporary highs. And this can be anything. For me, it is food, but of course, it did not work.

Over the years, I have learned when I feel like something is missing, that is the time I must search God for my answer. As I have said before, He knows us best. But if you all will allow me to be candid with you, even though I know this, there have been times I allowed my pride and ego to get in the way because I think I know myself better than God.

I would say, “I know me. I know myself better than anyone” but that is not true. There are many things we all must discover about ourselves. There is always an opportunity to learn something new about who we are, so we do not always know ourselves best. But if we have the mindset that we know ourselves better than God, we will find ourselves making foolish mistakes like cheating on our partner. After all, pride comes before the fall (Proverbs 16:18).

Answering His Call

In these situations, we want our partner to fulfill a job they are not qualified to fulfill. And if your partner is not equipped to recognize s/he is not the issue and the problem is really something within you, the two of you will argue. And you will risk losing something that is good for you.

So how do you feel? Are you in lack? Do you feel like something is missing? Are you in great need of something but don’t know what it is? I can tell you now it is not in women or in men. It is not in sex, food, porn, money, or other materialistic things. It is in God.

The deep yearning that you cannot explain is God calling you for a deeper connection. Maybe He has something He needs you to discover. It is possible He has something He wants to put in you that will make you better. Maybe He has plans for you that are bigger than you living your current lifestyle or routine. Maybe He just wants to simply love you and show you who He really is in a deeper relationship setting.

Whatever it is, I guarantee you it is good. I answered Him and He showed me remarkable things. I do not need my temporary highs and neither do you. What you lack and what I lack can only be found through God. So what are you in need of?


Originally published at



Jasmine Lenore
Jasmine Lenore

Written by Jasmine Lenore

I am an author, blogger, and course & content creator who loves to learn and write about anything, so join me as I write and explore various topics.

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